
Ash by Elegance & Heather Reckless vs. Xia Brookside & Brinley Reece

Reece started strong, hip-tossing Reckless and locking her in wrist holds. After driving Heather into the corner, Reece tagged in Brookside, who hit a wheelbarrow slam for a near fall. Brookside followed up with a Monkey Flip and an Octopus Hold, slamming Heather for another two count. Reece returned to hit a suplex.

Ash tagged herself in, scolding Heather for struggling. Reece suplexed Ash, leading to a heated exchange between the two heels. Heather saved Ash from a baseball slide, tagged herself back in, and they worked together to drop Brinley with a tandem DDT and Double Stomp.

Heather hit Brinley with a Basement Dropkick, setting Ash up for a two count. Brinley responded with a roll-up on Ash, but it only got a two.

The heels kept Brinley isolated, cutting the ring in half while the crowd chanted, “We want Xia!” Brinley finally created an opening with a front flip into a clothesline. She made the hot tag to Xia as Ash also tagged in.

Xia and Ash traded forearms, with Xia getting the upper hand. Xia followed up with several huracanranas and hit Ash with Meteoras in the corner. Brinley tagged back in, and Xia nailed Ash with a Codebreaker, setting Brinley up for a near fall.

Heather tagged in unnoticed. Reece rolled through a Crossbody and hit a TKO, but The Concierge placed Heather’s foot on the rope to break the pin. Xia confronted The Concierge, who tossed his jacket at her. Xia retaliated by choking him with it.

In the ring, Heather hit Reece with a Super Spanish Fly. Ash followed with Rarefied Air for the win.

Winners: Ash by Elegance & Heather Reckless

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