
A mysterious woman arrives at the venue

Knockouts World Championship: Trinity (c) vs. Jordynne Grace

Dana Brooke, now known as Ash by Elegance, is shown at ringside for the next title match.

Trinity and Jordynne start with a handshake and then a lockup. Grace flexes and Trinity twerks a little. Test of strength lockup in the center. Trinity ducks a clothesline and does a back kick. Grace drops Trin back first on the mat before doing chops in the corner. Grace with a powerslam, kickout. Trinity avoids the Juggernaut Driver by rushing to the ropes. Trinity leaps off the top with a crossbody followed by a spiking facebuster. Grace regains her footing and flies through the ropes to tackle Trin before hitting the Jackhammer on the floor.

Ash is shown on camera clapping. We cut back to the ring where Trinity kicks Grace in the chest. They trade slaps until Trin drives Grace into the turnbuckle and lands the split legged moonsault, cover. Grace catches Trinity out of the corner with a musclebuster, nearfall. Trinity powers out of a cover and traps Grace in Starstruck. Grace covers but Trinity pops up with the Rearview for another nearfall. On the apron, Trinity spikes Grace and covers. Back inside, they trade blows again before Grace does a spinning shot.

Trinity powers Grace up with a sitout powerbomb and turns it into Starstruck. Grace stands up with Starstruck applied and Trinity uses the ropes for leverage. Grace pivots it into a German. Spinning backfist from Grace followed by Juggernaut Driver for the three.

Winner & NEW TNA Women’s Champion: Jordynne Grace

We see Ash by Elegance clapping again at ringside. Jordynne hugs Trinity.

Related Links:
Gallery: TNA Related > Show Digitals > Pay-Per-View > 2024 > Hard To Kill
Gallery: Screen Captures > TNA Wrestling > Pay-Per-View > 2024 > Hard To Kill

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