Dana Brooke (w/ Mandy Rose) vs. Peyton Royce
The women locked up and Royce took control with a side headlock takedown. Brooke reversed the maneuver and took Royce down the same way. They exchanged several pin attempts before Royce stunned Brooke with a kick to the midsection. Royce worked on Brooke’s left arm on the mat. Royce fired Brooke’s face into the top turnbuckle, then kicked her in the face. Royce jumped from the middle turnbuckle to stomp Brooke’s arm, then applied an arm bar.
Brooke got to her feet but Royce tossed her into the corner. Royce landed a forearm shot, but missed a spin kick. Brooke then took advantage and landed two forearms of her own, before leveling Royce twice with shoulder blocks. From there, Brooke splashed Royce in the middle of the ring and covered for two.
Royce caught a boot to the chin in the corner, then Brooke suplexed Royce into the middle. Royce awkwardly dodged a running attack by Brooke, almost as if she knew it was coming before it began. Brooke took Royce down with a bulldog, then delivered a spinning neck breaker. She covered Royce for the three-count.
Winner: Dana Brooke
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